David Frank Hughes

  • The following appeared on 10 January 1921 in the Mexia Daily News: R. W. Cosnahan and wife returned to their home in Dallas Sunday afternoon. They were the guests of her father, Capt. Frank Hughes, while here.
  • The following appeared on 11 April 1921 in the Mexia News:
    [:TAB] The Dallas News of March 30 contains a picture of Master Frank Cosnahan, the 13-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Cosnahan, and a grandson of Capt. Frank Hughes, and an account of his atheltic feats, leading all Dallas entries in the International Y contest. /P/ Young Cosnahan led his nearest competitor with 563 points to his credit in six events. There were 196 boys participating in the context.
    [:TAB] In the standing broad jump young Cosnahan made eight feet and the record for thid jump is 8 feet 3-4 inch.
    [:TAB] He was publicly presented with a gold medal as a reward for his splendid work in athletics.
  • The following appeared on 15 June 1923 in the Mexia Daily News: Capt. Frank Hughes has returned from a few weeks spent in Dallas visiting the family of his daughter, Mrs. Waller Cosnahan.
  • Last Edited: 17 Sep 2010
